
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fun with the Grandparents

This past weekend we had our first TLC meeting (church small group) of the new season.  The ice breaker question that I received was "What is your most treasured possession?"  My initial response was my kids, but my husband reminded me that my kids are not my possessions.  So the next answer was my photos.  I really do treasure my photos and the memories in them.  That's why I'm always so camera happy even though I'm not particularly artsy or creative.  Pictures capture the expressions and emotions of that precise moment so much better than I can with my words.

I feel like when I'm old and gray, I will look back at all my photos (and pre-digital, I have boxes and boxes of them!) and think fondly of all the momentous occasions, holidays, and family members and friends who left indelible footprints in my and my family's life.

Especially having kids now, I feel like they grow up so fast and daily do so many amazing and funny things that I want to capture them and remember them so I can share it with them when they're older.  And I want my kids to remember their childhood, especially the people who surrounded them with much love.

To this end, I dedicate this post to my children's fun memories with the grandparents.
who would sword fight with knight L? maternal grandma, of course

L throwing grass on maternal grandpa while he's weeding

grandma playing peek-a-boo with P

L loves his grandpa!
all the grandkids at grandpa's 69th birthday

P sharing her favorite giraffe with grandma
the proud grandmas are happy at P's dol, but P is not

playtime at paternal grandma's playground
L loves grandma's attention
P's first thanksgiving with grandma
who can open their mouths wider?

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