
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Maple Syrup Weekend

After seeing a post on Mommy Poppins for free Maple Syrup Open Houses, I was eager to try this very northeastern activity with our family and learn about maple sugaring.  The closest farm participating in this was the Niese Farm, about an hour north of us. 

We went in the company of my sister and her family and my brother-in-law visiting from L.A.
my sister and her family
 The farm had a few caged animals: a chicken, a goat, and a bunny.  Does that count as a petting zoo?

They also had live music and a corn kernel play table, which I find to be much "cleaner" than playing in sand and just as much fun for the kids.

After watching the maple syrup demonstration we were excited to order pancakes with fresh maple syrup to complete our maple syrup experience.  We waited 1 1/2 hours for these pancakes.  I do not exaggerate.  After an hour and 15 minutes, hubby went to ask about the status of our order.  I think we had been more than patient at that point.  The lady running the kitchen (presumably one of the Niese's who run the farm) told hubby to "sit his a** down").  I was fuming and wanted to make a scene, but hubby told me not too.  After that, my experience at this farm was ruined.

After eating the pancakes, that were definitely not worth the hour and half wait, we pet some horses and took a hayride, courtesy of Uncle Kenny.  Unaware of the pancake incident, the kids still had a great time being together and enjoying the outdoors. 

the kids loved petting the horse

Sad to say, I left the farm with a bad taste in my mouth. Maybe next year I'll venture out further to another maple syrup farm to make up for this experience.

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