
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Good Bye Summer, Hello Fall!

Today officially marks the end of summer for us.  Tomorrow big "L" starts Kindergarten and little "P" starts preschool at a new school!

I'm filled with a mix of emotions--excitement for the new adventure that awaits my kids, a little trepidation for their first day and what they will experience, and a little sadness at the thought that they are growing up so fast.  Just last week I was watching Toy Story 3 with my kids and got so choked up at one of the final scenes where Andy is standing silently with his mom in his empty room as he prepares to leave for college.  My mind fast forwarded 13 years and I got so teary eyed that I had to leave the room just so I wouldn't have to answer my kids when they would undoubtedly as me why I'm crying and then make me cry more.  Oh dear.

Well, the summer sure flew by but we had some great memories, many that I still need document and blog about.  One of the fun memories we shared with the grandparents on a spontaneous apple picking trip yesterday.  We welcomed fall with about 25 pounds of apples, half of which headed south to my sister's.

Big "L" picks up Lil "P"
Daddy picks up Big "L"
It was the first day of apple picking at Demarest Farms.  The apples were ripe and plentiful.  I loved going at the beginning of the season because there were so many low hanging apples that the kids could easily reach them.  Though of course, they still loved to be picked up high into the tree by daddy.

Many of the trees were just overflowing with apples.  It was quite a sight.  The weather was absolutely perfect to be outside and the farm was not crowded, so it was a great trip.


Even baby "T" enjoyed being out.

Everyone got their fill of apples....

Look how much my babies have grown...


Welcome Fall!


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