
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Baby T's Dol (1st Birthday)

This past weekend we celebrated Baby T's first birthday.  Unlike the formal restaurant dols I did for big L & lil P, I decided to host an intimate gathering at our house.  The family gathered together to celebrate baby T's first birthday.  It's always tricky trying to get a good family photo, especially with all the little ones.  But I think we managed to get everyone looking at the camera, except for baby JP.

While wandering the local craft store, I found some inspiration after seeing some burlap and googled ideas for a burlap banner while still at the store.  What did people do pre-smart phones?!  After making this banner, I asked hubby what he thought of this shabby chic look and he said, "it looks shabby..."  : )

I wanted to do a bear theme since Baby T's nickname is Teddy.  So I made this bear cake topper.  My first foray making a cake topper was semi successful.  The bear looks good from afar but up close there were some cracks, which I should have smoothed out from the beginning.  I also delved into the world of modeling chocolate for the first time to make this cake.  The cake is covered in fondant but the decorations are all modeling chocolate.  The bottom cake is chocolate with chocolate frosting and the top is vanilla with a strawberry frosting. 

When choosing the color scheme, I wasn't intentionally going with my Alma Mater colors but since it turned out that way, go Wahoos!  (This was pointed out by my sister and brother-in-law, who both attended rival schools of UVA.)

I found these cute honey bear jars that I was going to use as cups for the kids since the hole was perfect for holding a straw.  But when I received them they were smaller than I had expected and figured refilling it could be annoying so I let the kids fill them with candy and teddy grahams instead.

I ordered from my favorite Korean caterer, Eun Hwa Soo in Palisades Park. And I was extra glad that they delivered, saving me the trip all the way out there.

I wanted some form of entertainment for the little ones, just to make the event extra special.  I hired Penny and the Puppettes to put on an interactive, musical puppet show.  I asked if she could entertain a group ranging from age 1 to 9, and she did a fabulous job!  I loved the special attention she gave baby T and his bro and sis throughout the show, and how she kept the kids entertained by the constant change of puppets and songs.  To my surprise, Baby T actually stayed engaged for the entire 45 minute show!  He loved the little puppets.

As if on cue, baby T picked the microphone for the dol jabee just like his big bro and sis! I guess all three kids will be entering the entertainment field! 

Dear baby T,
You have grown so quickly this past year.  Finally after 3 kids, I've learned to slow down a little bit and just enjoy and cherish all the little moments with you because they really do pass so quickly.  You top the charts in height and weight for your age but you're still the smallest of my 3, and hence I think I will always see you as my baby in many ways.  Because you are #3 and likely my last, I have broken more parenting rules with you and indulged you much more than your big bro and sis.  You definitely much prefer the feel of my mattress than your own and I still love holding you til you fall asleep.  I love letting you sleep on my chest and rubbing your fuzzy hair on my cheek.  You have a sweet disposition and almost as if on cue, tilt your head ever so cutely when someone engages you.  We spend a lot of mornings together alone with me just carrying you around the house as you listen to my random commentary.  Your first word was "umma" (mom in Korean!) and I actually believe you knew what it meant early on because anytime I walked out of your sight you would call out "umma umma".  Your favorite game is playing catch and you have a great throwing arm.  These days you love sitting in your walker and involving yourself in anything that your big bro and sis are doing.  Your favorite toys to play with lately are Mrs. Potts the teapot, a wooden toy spatula and a toy ketchup bottle.  You are one ticklish baby and your laugh is so infectious.  I can't wait to see your personality develop even more.  I love you--you will always be my baby T.

1 comment:

  1. awww... everything looks beautiful!! the cake is so cute - i'm sure it was delicious as well!! wish i could have tasted it... :P happy belated birthday to all your kiddies!!!
