
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

First Day of Pre-School!

My son started his first day of pre-school last week.  For weeks he pointed out his school every time we drove by and we made a few visits to acclimate him.  I know he was excited to go but kept saying that he didn't want to be there by himself.

Needless to say, I wasn't surprised by the tears.  I think because he's larger than most kids his age, his cries are much louder too.  So it's more jarring to hear.  When I told him I was leaving, he started crying.  Even with the door closed I could hear him screaming.  But before I even made it to the office, which is only 20 feet or so away, his cries already stopped.  I watched him on the video monitors and he seemed fine.  I was proud that I didn't totally lose it either.  I thought I'd be the one in tears.

When I went to pick him up after the first day, his teacher said that he had "a great day!' He was the line leader and even mingled with the other kids.  I was relieved to know that he wasn't crying or looking for me the entire time.

It's only been 3 days but already my son is asking to stay longer because he wants to eat lunch and play more with his friends.  Since he only stays for the morning session he leaves while the remaining kids begin to sit down for lunch. I may consider a longer option if he continues to ask to stay.

L's first day of pre-school!

1 comment:

  1. YAY linc!! Our kids are seriously growing up. So you think you'll do full days? :)
