
Friday, September 9, 2011

Quick Chek Hot Air Balloon Festival

Some friends and I scored 50% discount tickets for the 2011 Quick Chek Hot Air Balloon Festival through SuburbanMomma.  So we took our kids and despite the heat, they had a blast.

Upon entry to the festival, there were a lot of vendors giving out free samples and other freebies.  We left with bags full of goodies and tons of snacks to enjoy while we were there!

There were amusement park type rides for the kiddies, including pony rides.

L's first pony ride!
There was an early morning and an evening balloon launch.  We timed it so that we could be present for the evening launch.  It was cool to see the hot air balloons fill up and take up into the skies one after the other.  The kids couldn't take their eyes off of the balloons!

There were some fun balloons for the kids.
a butterfly and a spider pig?

I was really impressed with the family-friendly nature of this event.  They even had an air-conditioned tent for nursing mothers and a diaper changing area.  Next time I might try to attend the early morning balloon launch though.  It would definitely be cooler and we could potentially avoid the nightmare of trying to exit the parking lot.

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