
Friday, August 27, 2010

"Crab" Cake

My friend's husband absolutely loves crabs.  So she planned a surprise crabbing trip and dinner to celebrate his birthday and I offered to make him a crab cake, i.e. a cake in the shape of a crab, NOT a cake made of crab.

I began by googling pictures of crabs and tried to find an easy shape that I could replicate in cake form.  

Then I enlisted the help of my cutie patootie.

Making the "sand" by crushing graham crackers
Making carrot cake
I used fondant to cover the cake.  I wish I had a steamer to make the fondant shiny like I saw the Cake Boss use.  But I suppose the occasional cake baking doesn't justifiy such a least for now.  The two points of the crab are actually rice krispy treats that I shaped and attached to the cake with a skewer.

I coated the bottom of a serving platter with frosting, sprinkled "sand" on it, positioned my crab, and then scattered some seashells and starfish that I made out of chocolate using candy molds.  Lastly, I attached a little happy birthday sign to a candle and placed it in the claw of the crab. 

Here is a picture of the final product.  I was pretty happy with the way it turned out.

top view
front view
While making the cake I decided I wanted to eat some too.  Of course I couldn't dig into my friend's cake so I made another batch of batter and made cupcakes.  Then I decided I should make some baby crab cupcakes.  I saw two versions of crab cupcakes online that looked simple enough and replicated it.  I'm not creative but I'm pretty good at reproducing something someone else has done just by looking at it.   

I can't wait to deliver the cake.  I hope my friend likes it!


  1. miwon, this is amazing!

    yay, i'm your first follower!

  2. nice! did you save any of the cupcakes?

  3. who's ur friend? ;)
    we LOVE LOVE LOVED the cake and cuppies! cupcakes are all gone now but we can't get ourselves to dig into the cake. but it'not perfect looking anymore cause M poked his fingers into the back of it. :P now that i know rice krispy treats are's SO gonna be gone tomorrow. :D

  4. so adorable and well crafted!!!!! :) i respect fondant users. its tough! i tried it once and got so frustrated.

  5. oh - and i forgot to mention that lincoln looks SO CUTE.

  6. The cake was awesome (and tasty too)...I'm so impressed with your talent...can you mentor me (my secret dream is to be a pastry chef/wedding cake designer)!

  7. it looks amazing!!!! like jen i would love to learn. never worked w/ fondant but secretly wanting to try it :)

  8. thanks for the compliments guys!
    Lauren & Jen, let me know if ever you want me to help you make a fondant cake, i'd be happy to help!
