
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Solar System Bulletin Board

our solar system
It seems there have been some new discoveries and changes in the solar system since I remember learning it as a child.  There are several dwarf planets, including Ceres and Makemake.  And Pluto is now considered a dwarf planet too.

I had bought a cork board recently and decided to use it as a Bulletin Board, like the big ones I remember growing up with in elementary school.  My teachers would periodically change the theme and decorate the boards.  I thought I could do something fun and educational like that with my kids (mainly because "L" is always asking to do an "activity"!)

Recently, "L" has been enjoying learning about outer space.  And I wonder if his interest in Buzz Lightyear is related.  So I thought it would be a good opportunity to develop his interest with our first bulletin board theme.

I had the kids paint circles in different colors as I specified to make the sun and planets.  The way they naturally swirl their paintbrushes really makes the planets look what I imagine planets to look like.  Then I cut out the planets and the kids helped me glue everything onto a black background.  We added a rocket ship, a comet that "L" drew and later Buzz Lightyear made an appearance on the rocket ship too. 

I thought it would be cute to put "L" and "P" in a rocket ship.  As usual, I got carried away and photoshopped them into astronaut uniforms.  Then I made myself into a Martian and my husband into a Saturnite.  I'm not sure what aliens on Saturn are called, but that's what my son decided they should be called.  So, it shall be.
"L" and "P" are astronauts
I found a pack of solar system fact cards in the dollar section at Target and we've been periodically reading a new card.  "L" surprises me with how much he knows and can retain.  He can name the planets in order from the sun and knows random facts about the planets.  It really goes to show that kids are like sponges and they have such a huge capacity to learn, they just need to be taught.

I really like the bulletin board idea.  It provides a good visual for the kids.  It's sitting in my living room and occasionally the kids will just plop down in front of it to look at it and it turns into a good time to pull out a fact card.  I think the family photos add a fun dimension that they like to look and laugh at.

I'm already wondering what the next theme should be.

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