
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Halloween Costumes for the Family

For the last couple years, my husband and I have gotten into dressing up for Halloween.  For my husband, I think it's a chance for him to live out his "deprived" youth since he was never allowed to go dress up and go trick-or-treating.  Nonetheless, it's been fun for us especially now that we have kids to dress up too.  As I was considering costumes for this year, I started to think about our past costumes ideas, including some that didn't get realized for one reason or another.

2006: Kermit & Miss Piggy
We were planning on going to a costume party as Kermit and Miss Piggy.  My brave husband was prepared to go as Miss Piggy.  We even bought him a dress, a blond wig, a pink boa and a snout!  Unfortunately, we ended up not going.  He would have made a handsome Miss Piggy : )

2007: Bun in Oven & The Bun Maker
This is the year that I was pregnant with our 1st child.  So, it was only fitting that I wear an oven with a bun inside.  I made my husband a costume with an apron that said "The Bun Maker" and he wore a chef's hat and carried a rolling pin.  We wore this costume to a friend's daughter's 1st birthday costume party.  I loved that the oven door opened and I could take the bun out.  I thought it would be fun to open the oven door and hand out little buns but then symbolically, what would that mean?

2008: Mount Rushmore
This is the year we became a family of 3 and attended a church "Hallelujah Nite" as Mount Rushmore.  My husband was George Washington, my then 7-month old son was Abe Lincoln, our teddy bear was Teddy Roosevelt.  Quite frankly, after preparing all their costumes I fizzled out.  But to represent Thomas Jefferson, I did sport my UVA shirt in his honor.  I don't think most people got the reference, but I guess you have to be a Virginian to get it.

The G.W. costume consisted of a colonial wig, a pirate's coat (had to improvise), and white soccer socks pulled knee-high into which hubby tucked in his trousers.  The Lincoln costume was a tuxedo, a top hat (fashioned from a felt covered oatmeal can) and an adhesive beard, which amazingly my son kept on.  Teddy bear wore a pair of round glasses, a wig and a moustache.  I wonder if I had been able to find a Panama hat for teddy bear, more people would have gotten that he was Roosevelt.  oh well.

2009: Goldilocks and the 3 Bears
Last year, there was a tragic event in our family so we did not dress up but we had planned on dressing up as Goldilocks and the 3 Bears.  I was prepared to order 3 Oatmeal Bear costumes and dress up a doll as Goldilocks.

2010: ??????
This year we're a family of 4!  I wanted to try the Goldilocks and 3 bears idea but couldn't find the adult oatmeal bear costumes I had seen last year, except on ebay for a ridiculous price that I was unwilling to pay.  So, my husband and I have been brainstorming ideas....

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