
Friday, October 28, 2011

Eggs in Baskets

In my last post, I suggested making Eggs in Baskets to use leftover bread crusts.   It's quite easy and a way to jazz up toast and eggs by changing the presentation.

1. Cook one side of the bread in a little butter over medium heat.

2. Flip the bread and crack an egg in the hole.  Sprinkle with salt.

3. Flip and cook to desired egg yolk consistency.  Or if you prefer a sunny side up egg, don't flip it (that's the reason for flipping the bread before cracking the egg so that the bread is toasted on both sides if you don't choose to flip your case you were wondering why the seemingly extraneous step).

4. Enjoy!  My favorite way to eat eggs is over-medium. 

It's quite satisfying to cook an egg to the precise consistency that I enjoy so that the yolk is thick and slow to ooze out.  The perfect thing about eating an egg fried inside of bread is using the toast to mop up the buttery, creamy yolk so there is no wasting that perfectly cooked yolk!

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