
Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Everglades and Biscayne Bay Boat Tour

(written 2/21 in Miami)

We spent a nice, relaxing morning at the Everglades National Park, aka "The River of Grass."  The Everglades are the 3rd largest national park in the U.S. behind Death Valley and Yellowstone, and it is also considered a World Heritage Site.  We took a 2-hour Shark Valley Tram Tour covering a 15 mile loop and a short walk up to an observation deck.  During the tour we saw LOTS of alligators, sometimes a little too close (a foot away from the path we were on.)  Apparently, alligators are faster than I thought; they can go 25 mph.  I saw a bunch of other visitors biking through the Everglades and if ever I go back, I think I'd like to do that.
beautiful views and lots of gators (that's one 5 ft away from my hubby & kids!)

For lunch we ate at Michael's Genuine Food and Drink.  We all enjoyed our starter, sweet and sour pork belly over kimchi.  It isn't your typical fermented kimchi, rather a quick pickle incorporating southeast asian flavors including cilantro and lime juice.  It was quite delicious and even my parents enjoyed this nontraditional version of kimchi.
sweet and sour pork belly over kimchi

We also went on a Biscayne Bay Glass Bottom Boat Tour.  I chose this boat tour because the glass bottom distinguished it from other boats but when I went to check out the glass bottom, it was covered in green muck and they said the water wasn't clear enough for viewing.  Really?  I think it was the glass that wasn't clear enough for viewing.  Nonetheless, the boat tour was informative and fun.  The tour took us around Biscayne Bay to tour the local landmarks and the mansions of famous celebrities including J. Lo, Liz Taylor, Puff Daddy, and Jackie Chan.  I think if I wasn't trying to entertain two kids, the sunset view of the Miami skyline and Bay would have been more romantic. 
miami skyline, some mansions, and beautiful blue waters
We topped off the day with Joe's Stone Crabs, a Miami mainstay.  Unfortunately they do not take reservations and I was told the wait would be 2 hours.  So, we went next door to their take-out store where they also had tables.  If all that a 2-hour wait was going to get me was table service, than self-service was just as good.  I didn't inquire about the market price for an order of jumbo stone crabs when I ordered, but honestly I wasn't expecting it to be $75 for 6 claws.  Though, that along with fried shrimp, some crab cakes and some fried green tomatoes completed the Miami dining experience.
stone crabs
fried green tomatoes
"L" has a claw finger
With the grandparents traveling with us, hubby and I thought we would go out after the kids were in bed but honestly we were so exhausted after all the sightseeing each day that we never made it out!

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