
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

This is for All Train Lovers

This past weekend our family friends and we took our train-loving boys on the Santa Claus Special on the Whippany Railway and it was a HUGE hit! 

The train ride is a 45-minute, 10-mile ride from Whippany to Roseland aboard a holiday decorated train.  We bought tickets for the first class Club Car (which was only a few dollars more expensive than the regular tickets).  There were tables and leather chairs lining the windows.   By the time we had boarded all the tables were taken but the chairs along windows provided just as nice views. 
Just the boys

P enjoying the view out the window

Santa Claus came through our car and posed with pictures with each family and then each child received a small stuffed snow man. 
L was not very excited to pose with Saint Nick...

...but J was

Aboard the train, they sold holiday cookies and buttons.

They had picnic tables outside where we enjoyed a few snacks and hot chocolate before heading into the museum, and a random wagon which made for a good photo op.
Holiday wagon

This museum was $.50 for kids and $1.00 for adults.  The main attraction of the museum is the train display, which the kids loved watching go round and round.  I particularly enjoyed standing by the coal burning heater after coming in from the cold. 

Inside the museum

The boys literally had their noses pressed up against the glass

Chop Suey Palace? No train display would be complete without a Chinese restaurant on the block

Pal Park!

There was an outdoor train display as well, and we just couldn't pull the kids away. 

Outside there were trains on the tracks, which we could see up close and take pictures with. 

All in all, this was a fun-filled, family outing which we got to enjoy in the company of good friends.  The boys had been looking forward so much to the day and definitely were not disappointed.  This may have to become apart of our holiday family tradition! 

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