
Friday, November 4, 2011

Homemade Chicken Stock

Why buy it when you can use what you would otherwise throw away?  I like to save my wingtips and the carcass from my rotisserie chicken in the freezer.  When I have a full gallon-sized bag of chicken pieces, I make a big pot of stock.

1. To the chicken pieces add cold water, onions sliced in half (washed but unpeeled), carrots, celery, a few bay leaves, some peppercorns, and garlic.
2. As one of my favorite Food Network chefs Anne Burrell would say, "BTB, RTS."  Translated: Bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer.  Then let it go for 2-3 hours.
3. Strain the stock through a fine sieve.

1. After the stock cools, put it in the fridge to let the fat solidify and then remove the with a slotted spoon for a non-greasy stock
2. Freeze the stock in portioned containers according to the amount you'll use at one time.  I like to use quart sized containers.
3. Freeze small amounts of stock in ice cube trays for when you need just a little bit for a sauce.

This weekend we're headed out for a fun day with some family friends and are picnicking outdoors.  I just pulled out some of this frozen chicken stock to make Baked Potato Soup to eat with the fabulous sandwiches my friend will be whipping up, and so that hopefully it'll help keep us warm and toasty in the cold weather!

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