
Friday, November 18, 2011

Mini Banana Muffins

Yesterday I noticed one lonely, forgotten banana hiding behind my fruit bowl.  It had passed its prime and was starting to turn black.  I thought about halving my banana bread recipe to use up this sad banana, only to realize that my usual recipe calls for 1 egg.  I suppose I could halve an egg but then what would I do with the rest of the egg?  Luckily I remembered I had several over-ripe bananas stashed somewhere in the back of my freezer.  Out they came and into the microwave to be defrosted so that they could meet their destiny in my banana bread.

I usually make my banana bread in a loaf pan just because it's easier to pour the batter into one pan, but this time I decided to break out the mini-muffin pan for my little ones, who like mini-sized things that fit easily in the palm of their hands.  And, I do like the 2-bite size myself; I just don't like trying to clean every nook and cranny of those little muffin tins.

This is my go-to recipe, and I usually substitute coconut oil for the vegetable oil.  It produces a light bread and will stay moist a little longer on account of using oil rather than butter.

Instructions: (makes 24 mini muffins or 1 standard loaf)

1 1/2 c. all purpose flour
1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. baking soda
2/3 c. sugar
1/4 c. vegetable oil (or coconut oil)
3 ripe bananas, mashed
1 egg

1.  Combine wet ingredients (last 4 items)-- Yes, sugar is considered a "wet" ingredient.
2. Add dry ingredients and stir until combined
3. Bake in a preheated 350 F oven (12-15 minute for mini muffins or 50-60 minutes for loaf)

This is a quick bread, so there's nothing complicated here.  No sifting.  Everything goes into one bowl.  I didn't even melt my coconut oil this time and though the batter looked clumpy the muffins turned out just fine.

I love fresh banana muffins, especially when it's crusty on the outside, still warm inside, and the banana scented steam wafts out upon first bite.  Sometimes I modify this recipe by adding nuts, coconut flakes, or chocolate chips.  But it's also good as is!

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