
Saturday, March 28, 2015

Big L's 7th Pokemon Birthday

This year Big L decided that he wanted to tie-dye t-shirts for his birthday. So we had his birthday party at Tie-Dye Town.  I had them personalize the shirts with a drawing of Mega Lucario since L wanted a Pokemon theme.
modelling the finished shirts
The kids painted a big mural for the birthday boy, did spin art and tie-dyed shirts.

Then the kids dressed up with crazy wigs and sunglasses.  I loved this part!

As the theme L chose was Pokemon, he had to have a Pokemon cake. This is Mega Charizard X blowing blue flames in front of a 3D pokeball.  I made a chocolate cake with a ganache coating and covered it in fondant.  And for the guests, I had Pokeball cupcakes.

Dear Big L,
You are growing up so fast.  I can't believe you are already 7.  You tower over your classmates, topping the height charts over 95th percentile, but you are so tender hearted and a big softy.  A true gentle giant.  You look just like your dad but our personalities are so identical.  Yet you are still fierce when sparring in TKD and competing in sports.  You've become an amazing swimmer this past year already learning multiple strokes.  I'm proud of how far you've come from last summer when you wouldn't even put your head under water.  Your school teacher tells me you are a great student and how she intentionally puts struggling kids at your table so that they can learn from your example.  These days you are really into battling and trading Pokemon and have developed an interest in Minecraft.  You like reading instructional books about Minecraft and different Pokemon.  You still love to build freestyle out of any construction toy.  You bring such laughter and joy to our family and I pray you will carry that with you whereever you go.

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