
Wednesday, November 30, 2011


We spent Thanksgiving weekend down in VA visiting with family and friends.  It was a packed weekend, as most of our trips down generally are, but it was a great trip!

On Thanksgiving day mom woke up at 5:00 a.m. to get started on our Thanksgiving lunch!  Over the years, mom has become quite a pro at preparing a traditional Thanksgiving meal, especially considering that she doesn't otherwise cook American food.  This year she actually bought two 25 lb turkeys to feed the 14 family members.  She is a typical Korean hostess and insists that there be plenty of food so that there are leftovers for everyone to take home.  We managed to convince her that 1 turkey, in addition to the 8 lb Honey Baked Ham my sister was bringing, was quite sufficient.  And indeed, it was!  When I left 3 days later, most of the sides were all gone but there was still a big tupperware of turkey left in the fridge.

On the menu included roast turkey, honey glazed ham, mashed potatoes, dressing, candied sweet potatoes, corn, salad, rolls, and cranberry sauce.  Thinking back, the recipes for these items haven't really changed from what I remember growing up.  We prepare everything the same way we always have.  It's quite nostalgic.  The only thing that changes are the guests.  This year, my MIL and my sister's MIL & FIL all joined the feast.  My sister's in-laws provided the pumpkin pie and strawberry cheesecake to top off the meal.

With the growing number of guests each year buffet style, rather than passing huge dishes at the table, has been much more efficient.

The newest addition to the family even woke up for a little bit to join in the festivities.

It's a blessing that my parents can open up their home to easily accommodate all of us.  With the addition of a small folding table and some chairs, we were all able to eat together in the dining room.

The kids made little paper turkeys for each place setting.

After the meal, my sister's FIL played some festive music for us to enjoy and we all relaxed while the kids played.

It was another great Thanksgiving with lots of good food, good company and good memories!

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