
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Post-Thanksgiving Fun with Friends

After college, a few girlfriends and I area started a tradition of meeting up the day after Thanksgiving.  Here and there we missed a few years.  For years we met up at Joongmi, a Korean-Chinese noodle shop--that was back when we were all still single.  It's been 12 years since we graduated college and many of us are now married with 2 or 3 kids.  So it's quite a scene when we try to get together with all the kids at a restaurant.  This year to simplify things, we just had a potluck at my parent's house. 

I realized afterwards that I forgot to get a picture of the girlfriends! 

Two of the cutie-pies!

We also celebrated John's birthday!  What a beautiful family!

Over the Thanksgiving weekend I also got to meet up with my other college friend, Jennie, at Jason's Deli--one of our favorite places to eat when we both serendipitously ended up in Houston working in the Medical Center.  I was excited when they opened one up in Virginia.  It's one of the best kid-friendly places to dine and I love all the free muffins, crackers and frozen yogurt!  And they even have free Yummy Earth lollipops for the kids!  : )

It's always great to catch up with old friends and to see how our lives change with each passing year.  And despite all the changes and distances that separate us, it's good to know that some friendships can endure the test of time.  That's one thing that I'm thankful for during this Thanksgiving season.

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