
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas 2011!

Merry Christmas!

Over Thanksgiving my family took some formal portraits at Marais Studio.  I highly recommend Ken for anyone looking for a photographer in the NoVa area.  I took this photo of the kids dressed for our photo shoot and the red and green worked out perfectly for this year's Christmas cards.

We spent our Christmas weekend visiting our family in Virginia.  Before we left, I let "L" open one present--the largest one, mainly because I didn't want to transport it down only to bring it back up!  He had actually seen me wrap this one so it wasn't a surprise, but he had been waiting excitedly for Christmas to arrive so that he could play with it.  This year, he has totally been into Disney Pixar Cars!

On Christmas Eve morning we opened presents with paternal grandmother.

Later that day, I got to meet up with my college friends and meet my friend's fiance.
Christmas day, mom prepared another one of her Korean feasts, which I happily devoured.  Thanks mom, it's always good to be home and eat your cooking! 

After lunch, the kids decorated gingerbread trains while happily licking the icing and eating the candies.
"L" with grandpa
My niece "K" with her dad
The kids patiently waited ALL day to open their presents.  Their patience was greatly rewarded.  All these presents were for these 3 kids, plus my infant niece.  I only gave my kids one gift each and everything else was from their aunts/uncles and grandparents.  Man, I don't think I ever received this many presents for Christmas growing up!

It was a present opening frenzy!  I could barely keep track of the presents they received.  My favorite and most memorable moment was when my 3 year old "L" opened his amphibian remote control car.  He's been wanting one and was so excited that he frantically ran up to everyone in the room showing them his car and yelling "look, look, look!".  I totally wish I had gotten that on video!

The final gift was for my parents from their children.  It was a framed family portrait that has each of their daughters and respective families.  We hung it up in the family room. 

We ended our weekend with a trip to the Udvar Hazy Center (see my post on it here) and then hit the road to return to NJ. 

It was a memorable and absolutely fabulous Christmas with family!

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