
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Enjoying the Snow

I finally got around to uploading the two hundred photos that have accumulated on my camera over the last few months.  I particularly loved these photos from our second big snow fall of the season that occurred a few weeks ago.  The snow didn't last long but I love that memories still live on in photos!

Here hubby and the kids are getting to work on the driveway.  Mommy just gets to take photos and rest.

We had bought this toboggan for a trip to the Poconos and never got to use it because the weather was so warm that particular weekend.  But this was a great buy because the kids LOVED it.  Hubby pulled the tobaggan down our quiet street and because of the slight decline, it would coast slowly by itself.

My little "P" loved the ride.  I love her giddy little squeals-"whee"!

Hubby even got in on the action.  

1 comment:

  1. Awesome!! We tried to take Nathan sledding, and he flipped over into the snow.. twice! LOL
